My 2012: Bricking It!

Wasnt exactly feeling fresh when I woke up this morning, although I did have a decent deep alcohol induced sleep.  Last nights beer took a while to shrug off, but home made pancakes and coffee certainly helped.

I am vaguely following a training plan I found in the January edition of Triathlon magazine.  Today’s workout was a 35 minute bike and run brick session:

10 minutes warm up on bike – 5 minutes steady at 70%, 5 minutes tempo at 80%                2 x (3min race pace run at 90%, 4min tempo cycle at 80%, 3min recovery spin at 60%)      5 minutes recovery spin at 60% to cool down

So although it is a short workout, the intensity was pretty high.  It felt great to really open up on the treadmill and bash out a fast hard run at 14km per hour, even if it was only for 3 minutes.  I actually hate running on the treadmill, but the 3 inches of snowfall last night halted any plans of going outdoors for this set.  I dont have any data about the cycling as the spin bikes are ancient, but given the puddle of sweat on the floor I would give it an 8/10 on the rate of percieved exersion (RPE) scale.

I finished off the session with 20 minutes of stretching, focusing mainly on my hamstrings and hips.  I have been stretching every day this week and can see the benefit already.  I love how open and free my body feels afterwards.  Ideally I would also like to attend at least one Yoga class per week but so far have not found a suitable class to match my schedule.

It will be interesting to see how sore my muscles are tomorrow, I can already feel my legs and lower back moaning at me…

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2 Responses to My 2012: Bricking It!

  1. kruzmeister says:

    Nice job Stew, I definitely feel the effects of a brick workout more the following day than any other session. Usually it is just very fatigued legs. – Simone 🙂

  2. AndrewGills says:

    Well done Stew. Sounds like a tough session.

    It must be tough training in places where it snows. I admire your commitment. I’d probably get lazy 😉

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